Recently I've had an ever growing sensitivity to adhesive. Yes you read that right, adhesive. Like the stuff that helps things stick to you so you can heal. AWESOME.
When I had my arm gouged by the dermatologist I was told to put a band aid on after with Vaseline. After like a day I was itching my band aid like crazy. When i took it off it the area was red, swollen, and there were tiny tears in in skin. THAT hurt more than where the stitches.
So when I had surgery last friday that put on steri strips and then band aids. I HAD to take them off after like a day. Red, irritated and itchy again. I tried putting on other band aids because there was still some bleeding and seeping. No go. One day later I took them off and found this.
Can you see right where the band aid was stuck? Want a close up? It's really nasty gross!!
Do you see those two red areas on the edge of the leftover sticky?
That is where the skin was RIPPED OFF. Seriously.
Yes that hurt a lot. I think this was like time number 83 I'd cried since Friday. At least it felt that way. Blech.
This is the surgery I just can't seem to catch a break with. Recovery is still going rather rough. I'll update tomorrow hopefully all about today. It's a doozy!!
*hugs and kisses*
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