The paint for the half bath downstairs was already purchased.
So why is it OCTOBER and we finally are really getting some painting done? Well because Josh did the flooring downstairs first (we replaced vinyl with tile). And then there may have been some marital discord over ways to paint, ways to tape, etc.
This discord made it so NO ONE wanted to paint. At all. September turned all that around and we (well Josh) started the downstairs entryway. I LOVE the color.
Well because of our techniques we needed to repaint some of the molding. Josh being industrious went to Home Depot and asked them to color match the small can of paint the builders left so we could repaint the molding but not the doors, etc. He came home all excited. Painted two coats. It was... pink. No lie. Not like super pink that I could take a picture of, but in incandescent light it was a very light pink. Uh oh.
He was angry. Very angry. I hid upstairs and cleaned. Next weekend he went BACK to Home Depot and guess what? The paint mixer guy did it WRONG. He tried color matching on his own instead of USING THE COLOR MATCH FORMULA IN THE COMPUTER. Seriously dude? Mean paint lady corrected it no problem and gave him a new can of paint. We really love our Behr paint. Lol.
So Saturday Jason came over and him and Josh took care of all the molding. It is white now. Just a plain white, but not a white white, but... well white. OMG painting and color stuff is EXHAUSTING.
Then the two of them decided it was time to do the kitchen. I was not expecting that really. They taped up and got started.
But here is the finish product.
(yes the kitchen is a mess. no it's not put back together yet. sue me.)
I love it. I really do.
So next is our living room. We are waiting for the builders to come tear up our carpet to fix a squeaky board and we will paint then (because the furniture will be all pulled out for the carpet fix).
I'll do a whole slew of before and after pictures when we are ALL done. So check out the blog same time same place... next year? Lololol.
Josh wants to put sunglasses down there as decor. Jerk.
Oh, and if you are a painting/color person I got all the swatches from HERE. Just put in your color and it will bring up all matches. Choose your brand and there you go!
Our color choices were:
Entryway/stairs/upper hallway - Behr's Porpoise
Kitchen - Behr's Vintage Orange
Living Room - Behr's Creek Bend
Master Bedroom - Behr's Sapphireberry
Master Bathroom - Behr's Caribbean Mist
Half Bathroom - Behr's Orange Burst
*hugs and kisses*