Well at least ours aren't! Here is a quick recap in pictures.

Friday night we went bowling with some friends!
The little pink, green and yellow skirt belonged to our soon to be 5 year old friend Fia who was trying out bowling for first time. She had a blast. Well until she got to frame four and then she just wanted to spin on the chair. I may have shown her that. Lol.
Saturday found us up early and traveling to reading. Josh's parents are moving soon and need some packing help. I only took my point and shoot camera, and I remember why I still love it. It may not take the crispest pictures, but it still takes good pictures. Maybe it's the photographer though. :-P

Josh's "stuff." That was all that was left of his stuff in the house.
The weather looked bad, but the rain held out while they loaded the truck.
The window of Josh's childhood room.
So Josh's Uncle came to help out. He brought his work van (he works for himself doing home improvements for people). The ground was WET and guess what? He got stuck.
They tried putting boards under the tires and rocking it, but it just dug further in the mud. So Josh was like "suby has a tow hook." So they attached a rope thingy to the front of the van, and the back of the subaru. And guess what?
Success!! Our little "car" towed the big van out of the mud.
This was the rut it left.
After leaving Josh and I headed home to shower and head over to Jason and Kandice's to meet our "niece" Olivia. OMG. SO freakin cute.
Me and Olivia. Me, Olivia and Olivia's Mommy Kandice.
Awww... Olivia and Josh.
Hanging out on the Penn State rug.

All the ladies at the party.

Everyone at Olivia's First Party. Except me. Someone had to take the picture!!
The new family. So sweet.
Olivia was such a good sport, but all tuckered out here!
And that's our weekend in review. Have a great Monday everyone!
*hugs and kisses*